Do you have a severely broken or decayed tooth? You may be thinking about extraction, but not too fast. Dental crown services in Ormond Beach, Florida, is an effective solution for restoring extensively damaged teeth. A dental crown envelopes the visible portion of the tooth above the gum line to restore its function and aesthetics. […]
The team at Cooper Dental Group serves patients in and around the Ormond Beach, Florida, area. We are dedicated to helping patients achieve and maintain good oral health. When problems such as gum disease arise, we can help with deep teeth cleanings to better control the infection. Let’s look at some frequently asked questions about […]
At Cooper Dental Group of the Ormond Beach, Florida, area, patients dealing with severe toothaches and who want to relieve pain may find that procedures like root canal therapy may be recommended by our team. Root canal therapy, sometimes called “root canal,” is designed to save a tooth from permanent extraction. It addresses the dental […]
Your smile is one of the most priceless assets in your life. A beautiful smile can brighten your mood, boost your confidence, and leave a lasting impression on those around you. Cooper Dental Group in Ormond Beach, Florida, understands the power of an impeccable smile, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve the amazing smile […]
Signing up with a new dentist in Ormond Beach, Florida, is a big decision, but we are glad you’ve chosen Cooper Dental Group as your preferred dental home. Our dental team will make your onboarding as smooth as possible, and it won’t take long before you feel like part of our larger dental family. Your […]
So, you have a cracked tooth? Now that you have lost a significant structure, will you lose your tooth? Not so fast! There is a small yet excellent restoration offered at Cooper Dental Group in Ormond Beach, Florida, called a dental crown or cap. This restoration covers your entire tooth to restore and protect it […]
You may feel like losing one or two teeth isn’t a big deal. However, spaces in your mouth can create significant problems for your smile, including excessive tooth wear, diminished oral function, low confidence, and constant headaches. The good news is that you don’t have to live with a “gappy” smile. Our dentists, Drs. Adam […]
With over 34 years in dentistry, Cooper Dental Group is the go-to practice for complete smile makeovers. Not just a dentist but an artist, smile makeovers at Cooper Dental Group have heads turning in Ormond Beach, Florida, and the surrounding areas. Imagine your next set of photos with a stunning smile, your next social event […]